Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Materi Debat Bahasa Inggris (English Debate)

1. Boarding School or General School?

According to the oxford dictionary, Boarding school is school where some or all pupil live during the term. Boarding school attendance is a necessity these days. Its existence is a logical consequence of changes in the social environment and the economic situation and also society perception religiosity. First, our social environment has changed a lot now, especially in big cities. Most of the population no longer lived in an atmosphere of a homogeneous society, old habits reside with extended family have been shifting toward the heterogeneous and pluralistic society. This has an impact on people's behavior patterns are different because of the influence of different social values ​​too. Therefore, most of the well-educated people think that the social environment like it is no more conducive to the growth and development of the child's intellectual and moral.

Second, the economic situation is getting better push needs better education. For the upper-middle class people with high incomes most of them highly educated too.This encourages the intention and determination to give the best education for the children which should be better than the education of their parents.

Third, religious viewpoint. Modernity brings negative implications by an imbalance between the spiritual and physical needs. Therefore people do not want the same thing will happened to their children. The point is, there is a desire to create a more religious generation encourages parents to find alternative educational system.

From the three factors above, boarding school education system seems to be the best solution. From the the social point, the system isolates boarding school students from heterogeneous social environments that tend to be poorly. In schools and dorm constructed a social environment that is relatively homogeneous peers and the guidance counselor. Homogeneous in studying to achieve a higher quality of life.

From an economic point, boarding school give a complete service that requires fairly high cost. Therefore, students will be really well served by a variety of educational services and appropriate facilities.Lastly, in terms of religiosity, boarding school provides a balanced education among the physical, spiritual and intellectual needs. Expected to make students proficient in science and technology, as well as believe and do pious.

Some weaknesses of Boarding School are tight rules that the students should have a high of discipline. If not, then they will be trouble adapting to the rules of Boarding School. Time to meet the family is also getting a bit because the students have to stay in the dorms. They can not fenjoy the comfortables of home facilities. Even though the dorms is comfortable, but still not as comfortable as staying at home.

Meanwhile, formal schools generally have heterogeneous social environment. This requires the students to be more selective in choosing friends so that are not affected by the negative things from the wrong crowd. Formal schooling is not as intensive as boarding school in giving lessons. The students learned only during school hours. After school, the students are free to do anything. Good side, the students are free to do anything like playing. However, if they only playing after school, then they become lazy to learn and will have a negative impact on their academic achievement.

Formal schools generally responsible only when the student is in school. After school, the school no longer responsible for the state of students. If they have an accident, the school does not know anything and it is no longer the responsibility of the school. Different from boarding school that gives attention for 24 hours.

Formal school students are also more able to follow development of the times. This is because they are not isolated like boarding school students. They can easily get information on free time after school. But that does not mean the boarding school students become outdated, it's just that they are not as update as formal school students. 

Menurut Kamus Oxford, Sekolah berasrama adalah sekolah di mana sebagian atau seluruh murid tinggal selama kegiatan belajar. Kehadiran sekolah berasrama merupakan sebuah kebutuhan di zaman sekarang.
Keberadaannya adalah suatu konsekuennsi logis dari perubahan lingkungan sosial dan keadaan ekonomi serta cara pandang religiusitas masyarakat
.Pertama, lingkungan sosial kita kini telah banyak berubah terutama di kota-kota besar. Sebagian besar penduduk tidak lagi tinggal dalam suasana masyarakat yang homogen, kebiasaan lama bertempat tinggal dengan keluarga besar telah bergeser kearah masyarakat yang heterogen dan majemuk. Hal ini berimbas pada pola perilaku masyarakat yang berbeda karena berada dalam pengaruh nilai-nilai yang berbeda pula. Oleh karena itu, sebagian besar masyarakat yang terdidik dengan baik menganggap bahwa lingkungan sosial seperti itu sudah tidak lagi kondusif bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan intelektual dan moralitas anak.

Kedua, keadaan ekonomi masyarakat yang semakin membaik mendorong pemenuhan kebutuhan pendidikan yang lebih baik. Bagi masyarakat kalangan menengah-atas yang berpenghasilan tinggi kebanyakan dari mereka berpendidikan tinggi pula. Hal ini mendorong niat dan tekad untuk memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik bagi anak-anak melebihi pendidikan yang telah diterima orang tuanya.

Ketiga, cara pandang religiusitas.Modernitas membawa implikasi negatif dengan adanya ketidakseimbangan antara kebutuhan ruhani dan jasmani. Untuk itu masyarakat tidak ingin hal yang sama akan menimpa anak-anak mereka. Intinya, ada keinginan untuk menciptakan generasi yang lebih agamis mendorong orang tua mencarikan sistem pendidikan alternatif.

Dari ketiga faktor di atas, sistem pendidikan boarding school seolah menjadi solusi terbaik. Dari segi sosial, sistem boarding school mengisolasi anak didik dari lingkungan sosial yang heterogen yang cenderung buruk. Di lingkungan sekolah dan asrama dikontruksi suatu lingkungan sosial yang relatif homogen yakni teman sebaya dan para guru pembimbing. Homogen dalam menimba ilmu untuk menggapai hidup yang lebih berkualitas.

Dari segi ekonomi, boarding school memberikan layanan yang komplit sehingga menuntut biaya yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, anak didik akan benar-benar terlayani dengan baik melalui berbagai layanan pendidikan dan fasilitas yang memadai. Terakhir, dari segi religiusitas, boarding school menyediakan pendidikan yang seimbang antara kebutuhan jasmani, rohani dan intelektual. Diharapkan akan menjadikan peserta didik yang mahir dalam ilmu dan teknologi, serta beriman dan beramal soleh.

Kelemahan dari Boarding School antara lain peraturan yang ketat sehingga para murid harus memiliki disiplin yang tinggi. Jika tidak, maka mereka akan kesusahan beradaptasi dengan peraturan Boarding School. Waktu untuk bertemu keluarga pun semakin sedikit karena para murid harus tinggal di asrama. Mereka tidak bisa menikmati kenyamanan fasilitas rumah. Meskinpun di asrama itu nyaman, tetap saja tidak senyaman tinggal di rumah.

 Para murid boarding school menjadi terisolasi dari dunia luar. Mereka sudah terbiasa dengan lingkungan asrama yang statis sehingga
Sementara itu, sekolah formal pada umumnya memiliki lingkungan sosial yang heterogen. Ini mengharuskan para murid untuk lebih selektif dalam memilih teman agar tidak terpengaruh oleh hal-hal negatif dari pergaulan yang salah. Sekolah formal tidak seintensif boarding school dalam memberikan pelajaran. Para murid hanya belajar pada saat jam sekolah. Setelah pulang sekolah, para murid bebas melakukan apapun. Baiknya, para murid bebas melakukan apapun seperti bermain. Namun, apabila mereka hanya bermain setelah pulang sekolah, maka mereka menjadi malas belajar dan akhirnya berdampak buruk di prestasi akademik mereka.

Pada umumnya sekolah formal hanya bertanggung jawab ketika murid berada di sekolah. Setelah pulang sekolah, maka sekolah tidak bertanggung jawab lagi atas keadaan murid. Apabila mereka mengalami kecelakaan, sekolah tidak tahu apa-apa dan itu bukan lagi menjadi tanggung jawab sekolah. Berbeda dengan boarding school yang memmberi perhatian selama 24 jam.

Para murid sekolah formal juga lebih bisa mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Ini dikarenakan mereka  tidak terisolasi seperti boarding school. Mereka dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan informasi di waktu-waktu luang sehabis pulang sekolah. Namun bukan berarti para murid boarding school ketinggalan zaman, hanya saja mereka tidak se-update para murid sekolah formal.

2. Junkfood is better or worse

One of the lifestyle of modern society is want everything fast and satisfied. A saying that time is money has been attached to the modern society that people are driven to do things quickly. One of which is about the foods they eat. Modern society, especially urban society tends to consume foods that are completely instant or fast food that is more efficiently.

Many people also like to consume fast food. Beside it tastes good, the price is relatively affordable and fast food restaurants are scattered in almost all over the city so it's not hard to find. Almost every lunch hour fast food restaurant is always crowded because of its location relatively close to the office, the price is relatively cheap and fast cooking process.

For the same reason, fast food restaurant also always been a favorite place for teens to eat with their ​​friends or dating with boy/girlfriend. Not infrequently fast food restaurant also used as dining parties like birthday parties and reunions.

But behind it all, junk food has so many bad effects to the body as cause obesity, diabetes, heart and liver disease, lowered intelligence and makes the body become weak. Nutritional content is very bad and only a source of dangerous diseases. Junk Food contains a lot of saturated fat, sugar, salt and high cholesterol which are dangerous to health.

As a result of industrial processed food, junk food usually contains a lot of saturated fat. Therefore, the price is very cheap, and when heated can withstand high temperatures. Its danger, saturated fat could be a source of  obesity and increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. When the condition occurs in a person, then the other serious health problems will be triggered. Cancer, heart disease, and stroke are examples of diseases caused by the high saturated fat content.

Salt content of junk food is which also need to be addressed carefully. Salt levels which good for consumption is not more than 5 grams per day, while the salt content in junk food are usually relatively high.
We do need these flavorings substances to help the body's metabolic functions. But, when excessive consumption of salt, it increases the risk of hypertension.

Soft drinks, biscuits, cakes, and candies contain a lot of sugar. Although it is not directly related to heart disease and diabetes, excess of sugar can lead to overweight or obesity. The other health problems that can be caused by excessive sugar are tooth decay, reduce the levels of HDL (High density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol, increased fat levels in the blood that is related with diabetes and heart disease.

Other substances contained in junk food excessively is additive. Generally, these additives are used to preserve and maintain the color, flavor, and shape of the food. What exactly is a flavor enhancer or synthetic additives that can cause the taste? Basically synthetic additives are sodium kind that the main source of salt and MSG (Monosodium Glutamate). Well, that is the element of taste penggugah fast food or junk food. MSG can cause brain damage, hypertension and cancer. 

We may consume junk food to enjoy their pleasures. However, all have the limits. Including not consume too much junk food in order to prevent a dangerous disease. 
Salah satu pola hidup masyarakat modern adalah ingin segalanya cepat dan terpuaskan. Ungkapan bahwa waktu adalah uang telah melekat pada masyarakat modern sehingga orang  terdorong untuk melakukan segala hal dengan cepat. Salah satunya adalah tentang makanan yang mereka konsumsi. Masyarakat modern terutama masyarakat urban cenderung mengkonsumsi makanan yang serba instan atau makanan cepat saji yang lebih efisien.

Masyarakat pun banyak yang menyukai makanan cepat saji. Selain rasanya yang enak, harganya pun relatif terjangkau dan restoran makanan cepat saji pun tersebar di hampir seluruh penjuru kota sehingga tidak sulit mencarinya. Hampir setiap jam makan siang restoran makanan cepat saji selalu ramai karena lokasinya relatif dekat dengan kantor, harganya relatif murah dan proses masaknya cepat.

Untuk alasan yang sama, restorant makanan cepat saji pun selalu menjadi tempat favorit para remaja untuk makan bersama teman teman temannya atau berkencan dengan pacarnya. Tak jarang juga restoran makanan cepat saji dijadikan tempat makan makan pesta seperti pesta ulang tahun dan reuni.

Namun dibalik itu semua, junk food memiliki sangat banyak dampak buruk bagi tubuh seperti menyebabkan obesitas, diabetes, penyakit jantung dan hati, menurunkan kecerdasan otak dan membuat tubuh menjadi lemas. Kandungan gizinya pun sangat buruk dan hanya menjadi sumber penyakit berbahaya. Junkfood banyak mengandung lemak jenuh, gula, garam dan kolesterol yang tinggi yang berbahaya untuk kesehatan

Sebagai hasil olahan industri makanan, junk food biasanya banyak mengandung lemak jenuh. Oleh karena itu, harganya sangat murah dan ketika dipanaskan dapat bertahan pada temperatur tinggi. Bahayanya, lemak jenuh bisa menjadi biang kegemukan dan meningkatnya kadar kolesterol dalam darah. apabila kondisi tersebut terjadi pada seseorang, maka masalah kesehatan serius lainnya pun akan terpicu. Kanker, penyakit jantung, dan stroke adalah contoh penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh kandungan lemak jenuh tinggi.

Garam adalah kandungan junk food yang juga perlu disikapi hati-hati. Kadar Garam yang baik untuk dikonsumsi adalah tidak lebih dari 5 gram per hari, sementara kandungan garam pada junk food biasanya relatif tinggi.
Kita memang membutuhkan zat perasa ini untuk membantu fungsi metabolisme tubuh. Namun, bila berlebihan mengonsumsi garam, maka resiko hipertensi akan meningkat.

Minuman ringan, biskuit, kue, dan permen mengandung banyak gula . Kendati secara tidak langsung berhubungan dengan penyakit jantung dan diabetes, kelebihan gula dapat mengakibatkan kegemukan atau obesitas pada usia muda. Masalah kesehatan lainnya yang bisa disebabkan oleh kadar gula berlebihan adalah  kerusakan gigi, mengurangi kadar HDL atau kolesterol baik, meningkatkan kadar lemak dalam darah yang berhubungan dengan diabetes dan penyakit jantung.

Zat lain yang terkandung dalam junk food secara berlebihan adalah zat aditif. Umumnya zat aditif ini digunakan untuk mengawetkan dan mempertahankan warna, rasa, dan bentuk dari makanan. Apa sebenarnya penambah cita rasa atau zat aditif sintetis yang bisa menimbulkan cita rasa tersebut? Pada dasarnya zat aditif sintetis ini adalah sejenis sodium yang menjadi sumber utama garam dapur dan MSG (Monosodium Glutamat). Nah, unsur inilah yang menjadi penggugah selera makanan cepat saji atau junk food. MSG dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada otak, hypertensi dan kanker.

Kita boleh mengkonsumsi junkfood untuk menikmati kelezatannya. Namun, semua ada batasnya. Termasuk mengkonsumsi junkfood tidak terlalu berlebihan agar mencegah terserang penyakit berbahaya.

3. TV and gadget manage teenager's mindset

There are so many influence today's technology to the development of teenage mindset. There are positive and negative effects. That depends on the teenager who took the positives or negatives of technology. Some positive impacts of technology including television and gadgets for teens' mindset are teens can be more creative; teens will be critical teenagers with the information they get; teenagers can learn a lot of things and teenagers get easy access to buy something and do business.

On the Internet there are many websites that provide the facility to be creative such as drawing, writing, creating, remix and cover songs and making movies. Teens can explore their potential and show it over the internet so that they can be creative teenagers.

The teens get a lot of information through electronic media including television and gadgets. They will be teenage who update with the times especially what is happening globally as a foreign economy, political problems in domestic and foreign and the war that occurred in several countries. The teens will respond to that information. They will criticize, agree or argue about the matter. They will be critical teenage.

The teens can read the article on the internet about whatever they want to know. They can learn many things by reading the article. They will have extensive knowledge that can help them in all areas.

With so many trading online websites on the internet , make trading acces become easy. Many items from all categories advertised on the trading online websites. The teens will easily find the items they want to buy. So do if they want to sell the goods. This will make the teens learn how to trading profitably. And they are able to do business online with investing their money. This will make them trained to be reliable business people in the future.

However, advances in technology are not always have positive impact for the mindset of the teenagers. Some adverse impacts are damaging the morale of the teens; make teens want everything instantly, and making them consumptive.

With the rise of violence and pornographic spectacle on TV and cyberspace, making the teenagers' morale destroyed. Brawls and sexual harassment are examples of the impact of the moral damage. The teens follow what they see. They often watch the show that is not worth to be watched by them like an adult movie. Government and parents are expected to act strictly forbid the teens not to watch the show that's not worth watchable. 

With fast and easy access to information, making teens want everything to be instant. Yet as we know everything needs process. If they want everything to be instant, then they will not be able to be a successful person who needs long process and hard work.

The teens will be the consumptive with so many trading online sites on the internet and advertisements on television. They are eager to buy goods that the teens consider  they are nice goods but not necessarily needed. It will cause consumptive behavior and have negative impact like extravagant lifestyle and more broadly will lead to inflation.

Banyak sekali pengaruh teknologi zaman sekarang bagi perkembangan pola pikir remaja. Ada pengaruh positif maupun negatif. Itu tergantung kepada remaja yang mengambil hal positif atau negatif dari teknologi. Beberapa dampak positif dari teknologi termasuk televisi dan gadget bagi pola pikir remaja adalah remaja dapat lebih kreatif; para remaja menjadi kritis pada informasi yang mereka dapatkan; para remaja dapat belajar banyak hal dan para remaja mendapatkan akses mudah untuk membeli sesuatu dan berbisnis.

Di Internet terdapat banyak website yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk berkreasi seperti menggambar, menulis, menciptakan, meremix dan mengcover lagu dan membuat film. Remaja dapat menggali potensi mereka dan mempertunjukkannya melalui internet sehingga mereka dapat menjadi remaja yang kreatif.

Para remaja mendapatkan banyak informasi melalui media elektronik termasuk televisi dan gadget. Mereka akan menjadi remaja yang update mengikuti perkembangan zaman khususnya apa yang terjadi secara global seperti perekonomian luar negeri, masalah politik di dalam dan luar negeri dan peperangan yang terjadi di beberapa neara. Para remaja pun akan menyikapi informasi tersebut. Mereka akan mengkritik, menyatakan setuju atau berargumen mengenai masalah tersebut. Mereka pun akan menjadi remaja yang kritis.

Para remaja dapat membaca artikel di internet mengenai apapun yang mereka ingin ketahui. Mereka dapat belajar banyak hal dengan membaca artikel. Mereka pun akan meiliki wawasan yang luas yang dapat membantu mereka di segala bidang.

Dengan banyaknya situs jual beli online di internet, membuat akses jual beli menjadi mudah. Banyak barang dari segala kategori yang diiklankan di situs jual beli. Para remaja pun akan dengan mudah mencari barang yang mereka ingin beli. Begitu pun jika mereka ingin menjual barang. Ini akan membuat para remaja belajar bagaimana cara berjual beli yang menguntungkan. Dan mereka pun dapat berbisnis online dengan menginvestasikan uang mereka. Ini akan membuat mereka terlatih untuk menjadi pebisnis handal di masa depan.

Namun, kemajuan di bidang teknologi tidak selalu berdampak positif bagi pola pikir para remaja. Beberapa dampak buruk adalah merusak moral para remaja; menjadikan para remaja ingin segalanya instan; dan membuat mereka bersifat konsumtif.

Dengan maraknya tontonan aksi kekerasan dan porno di TV dan dunia maya, membuat moral para remaja hancur. Tawuran dan pelecehan seksual adalah contoh dampak dari kerusakan moral tersebut. Para remaja mengikuti apa yang mereka lihat. Mereka sering kali menonton tayangan yang bukan untuk ditonton olehnya seperti film dewasa. Pemerintah dan orang tua diharapkan dapat bertindak tegas melarang anaknya menyaksikan acara yang bukan tontonannya.

Dengan cepatnya dan mudahnya akses informasi, membuat para remaja ingin segalanya menjadi instan. Padahal yang seperti kita ketahui segalanya butuh proses. Apabila mereka ingin segalanya menjadi instan, maka mereka tidak akan bisa menjadi orang sukses yang membutuhkan proses yang panjang dan kerja keras.

Para remaja akan menjadi konsumtif dengan banyaknya situs jual beli online di internet dan iklan di televisi. Mereka berhasrat ingin membeli barang yang mereka anggap bagus namun belum tentu mereka membutuhkannya. Itu akan menyebabkan perilaku konsumtif yang berdampak negatif seperti pola hidup boros dan lebih luas lagi akan mengakibatkan inflasi.

4. Teacher give too many homework 

Homework and school task are 'the bridge' that connects learning process at school and learning  process at home so that the students can learn and repeat the the subject matter which being taught in schools. The student is expected to learn not to be lazy by given the homework. Have not quite got there, there are many positive effects of giving homework such as students train to be a hard worker; train makes students familiar with the amount of homework so they will not be overwhelmed while in college working on thesis that is more take up time, and make students more responsible for what they've done .

To achieve their goals it takes hard work. Great people in this world were doing the same thing that is hard work. They never give up to achieve their dreams. Likewise with the students who have to work hard to achieve their dreams. And doing homework properly is the hard work as the students.

When in college students will be given a lot of the coursework and thesis. They should familiarize themselves to perform tasks that are piling up as early as possible but adapted to portion of them as students. Most importantly that they are accustomed to busy with school. That way when they were college later, they are not overwhelmed by the coursework and thesis work that takes a lot of time. 

The students will be more responsible with their homework as they were told by the teacher. They will carry out their obligations as a student that one of their obligations is doing homework. The students will take full responsibility for doing their homework. All their mistakes in their homework are their responsibility. The students are able to learn from the mistakes they did and make the students become more mature.

It is good if the the teacher give homework to the students. However, if it's too much homework instead be not good. The meaning of the teacher give too much homework to students is the teacher gives homework that takes a lot of time till playing time for the student be wasted. Another indicator is student become irritated to the teacher who give lessons and and becoming lazy to do the homework which is too much. This can lead to students being lazy to studying because they don't like teachers and lessons that ultimately have an impact on their academic grades decreased.

It's also bad for students' psychological. According to the research, too much homework makes students become stressed because their free time used to do their homework. And if students are already stressed, it will result in the spirit of students' learning decrease rapidly then finally students' schooling becomes mess.

PR dan tugas sekolah adalah 'jembatan' yang menghubungkan proses belajar di sekolah dan proses belajar di rumah sehingga para murid dapat belajar dan mengulang materi yang telah diajarkan di sekolah. Para murid pun diharapkan tidak menjadi malas belajar dengan diberinya PR. Belum cukup segitu, masih banyak efek positif dari pemberian PR seperti melatih murid untuk menjadi pekerja keras; melatih menjadikan murid terbiasa dengan banyaknya PR sehingga tidak kewalahan saat kuliah mengerjakan skripsi yang lebih menyita waktu; dan membuat murid lebih bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dikerjakan.

Untuk meraih cita-cita dibutuhkan kerja keras. Orang hebat di dunia ini pun melakukan hal yang sama yaitu kerja keras. Mereka pantang menyerah dalam meraih impiannya. Begitupun dengan para murid yang harus bekerja keras untuk meraih impiannya. Dan mengerjakan PR dengan baik merupakan kerja kerasnya sebagai murid.

Saat kuliah nanti para murid akan dijejali banyak tugas kuliah dan skripsi. Mereka harus membiasakan diri sedini mungkin untuk mengerjakan tugas yang menumpuk namun disesuaikan dengan porsi mereka sebagai pelajar. Yang penting mereka terbiasa sibuk mengerjakan tugas sekolah. Dengan begitu saat mereka kuliah nanti, mereka tidak kewalahan untuk mengerjakan tugas kuliah dan skripsi yang menyita banyak waktu.

Para murid pun akan lebih bertanggung jawab dengan mengerjakan PR sesuai yang diperintahkan oleh guru. Mereka akan menjalankan kewajiban mereka sebagai murid yang salah satunya adalah mengerjakan PR. Para murid akan bertanggung jawab penuh atas PR yang mereka kerjakan. Segala kesalahan yang mereka lakukan dalam mengerjakan PR adalah tanggung jawab mereka. Para murid pun dapat belajar dari kesalahan yang mereka perbuat dan membuat para murid menjadi lebih dewasa.

Memang bagus jika guru memberi PR kepada para muridnya. Namun, apabila terlalu banyak PR malah menjadi tidak baik. Yang dimaksud memberi PR terlalu banyak adalah guru memberikan PR yang menyita banyak waktu sampai waktu bermain untuk murid terbuang. Indikator lain adalah murid menjadi kesal dan malas terhadap pelajaran dan guru yang memberi PR terlalu banyak tersebut. Ini dapat mengakibatkan murid malas belajar karena tidak menyukai guru dan pelajarannya yang akhirnya berdampak pada nilai akademis mereka yang menurun.

Ini juga berdampak buruk bagi psikologis murid. Menurut penelitian, terlalu banyak PR membuat murid menjadi stres karena waktu luangnya terpakai untuk mengerjakan PR. Dan jika murid sudah stres makan akan berakibat semangat belajar para murid menurun drastis yang ujung ujungnya membuat  pendidikan murid menjadi berantakan.

Guru memberikan PR merupakan hal yang baik dan wajar yang bertujuan agar para murid tidak malas belajar. Namun harus dengan jumlah PR yang pas. Apabila terlalu banyak PR malah merugikan murid. Murid akan stres dan menurunkan semangat belajar murid.

Teachers give homework is good and reasonable in order that the students are not lazy to learn. But it must be with the right amount of homework. If too much homework it's actually harm the students. The students will stress and reduce students' learning motivation.

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Tugas Conversation 'make the dialogue'

  1. Indtroduction with new friend
Zayn      : Hei, are you a new student here? Let me indtroduce myself. My name is Zayn. What’s your name?
Syam     : Yes, I’m new here. My name is Syam.
Zayn      : Do you feel hungry? Let’s go to the cafetaria
Syam     :Yes I’m hungry, and I want to know foods in the cafetaria
(Zayn and Syam are walking to the cafetaria. Then they seat in the same table)
Zayn      :I think delicious food here are Soto, Nasi goreng, Mie goreng and warteg foods. Which one do you like?
Syam     : My favorite food is soto. Where can I buy it?
Zayn      : Wait. I will order myself. One for you and one for me
Syam     :Ok. I’m waiting here
(after the order has coming on)
Zayn      : By the way. What’s your hobby?
Syam     : My hobbies are playing football and listening music. How about you?
Zayn      : Same as you, I love to listening music and playing football. Wow we have same hobbie
Syam     : I hope that means we can be good friends
Zayn      : I hope so

  1. Talking about holiday
(Zayn is entiring the classroom)
Syam     : Hei Zayn. How are you bro? you look so happy after last holiday
Zayn      : Yes sure I’m so happy because I have an unforgetable holiday
Syam     : Could you tell me?
Zayn      : Well, I was holiday in Bali with my family. I visited Sanur and Kuta beach. Also the other vacation places in Bali. I say beautiful view and had little talking with tourist with the other countries. How about your holiday?
Syam     : I envy with you. Nothing special in my holiday. I just sleep, eat, drink, watching TV. That was so boring
Zayn      : Don’t you go out of your house?
Syam     :I was go to Margonda to watching movie. Only that. Nothing else
Zayn      : What a pitty was your holiday haha
Syam     : Yes that’s my life. Always boring
Zayn      : Haha don’t you say like that. You should always positive thinking
Syam     : OK. Thanks for your advice
Zayn      : Your welcome.
  1. Bergaining
(In this conversation, Zayn as customer and Syam as seller. Zayn wants to buy doll for her girlfriend birhtday gift and he is bargaining with the seller, Syam.)
Zayn      : Excuse, How does it cost?
Syam     : Hmm.. this one is Rp. 890.000. It’s so cute and suitable for gift.
Zayn      : Yes It looks good and my girlfriend will like this. But it’s quite expensive. Can the price be lowered?
Syam     : In this store, the price can’t be lowered.
Zayn      : Oh come on. I love this doll and My money less Rp. 50.000. Maybe you can gift me disscount only Rp. 50.000.
Syam     : Hmmm.. OK I gift you disscount for my loyal customer. Do you want us to pack it for free?
Zayn      : Yes, please. The
(Syam is packing the gift)
Syam     : Sir, This is the gift.
Zayn      : Thank you so much.
Syam     : Your welcome
  1. Invite someone
(Tomorrow is Zayn’s birthday and he wants to invite his best friend, Syam to come to Zayn’s birthday party)
Zayn      : Hi, Syam. Do you now what day is tomorrow?
Syam     : Tomorrow is Wednesday.
Zayn      : NO! that’s right tomorrow is Wednesday. But tomorrow is my special day.
Syam     : Oh yeah, what? Is tomorrow your anniversary with your girlfriend?
Zayn      : NO! Tomorrow is my birthday. How can you forget your best friend’s birthday?
Syam     : I’m sorry Zayn. I forget about that.
Zayn      : Here is my birthday invitation card. I hope you can come to my party. Tomorrow 7.30 P.M. in my house yard. Don’t forget it!
Syam     : OK. sure I will come to my best friend’s party.
Zayn      : Thank you for yourparticipation
Syam     ; Nothing is more important than your party
  1. Describing about family (Individual)
I will tell you about my family
I have father and mother. Their name is Father Edi and Mother Euis
I have 1 younger brother and 1 older sister. They are Brother Aru and Sister Azky
Mother family
I have grandfather and grandmother from my mother. Their names are Eman Sulaeman (Alm) and Titin Sami’ah
I have 4 uncles and 3 aunts (2 of them was die. So Just 5 remaining) from my mother. They are Aunt Yati; Aunt Ella; Aunt Leli (Alm) Uncle Wawan; Uncle Asep; Aunt Wida and Uncle Endang (Alm).
I have 11 cousins from my mother’s family. They are Rika, Riki and Risa from Aunt Yati; Resa, Firda and Adel from Aunt Ella; Tia and Lingga from Uncle Wawan; Faris and Dhia from Uncle Asep; Kenta from Aunt Wida.
I also have 1 nephew. He is son of my cousin Rika.
Father family
I have grandfather and grandmother from my father. Their names are Yahdin (Alm) and Rohati
I have 3 uncles and 3 aunts. They are Uncle Endang, Aunt Ita, Uncle Wawan, Uncle Engkus, Aunt Ellin and Aunt Dian.
I have 17 cousins from my father’s family. They are Usie, Asha, Fakhrie and Bintang from Uncle Endang; Hanie and Rama from Aunt Ita; Nico, Shofa and Shinta from Uncle Wawan; Irfan, Inten, Hilda and Khalid from Uncle Engkus; Andzar and Fira from Aunt Elling; Sandra and Alick from Aunt Dian.
  1. Giving/Asking Directions
(Syam wants to fitness but he doesn’t know how to fitness well because he is a beginner. So he asks Zayn, fitness trainer in the gym to give directions)
Syam     : Excuse me, Coach. Would you like to train me?
Zayn      : Yes, sure. Now what’s your goal go to the gym?
Syam     : I want to get muscular body with sixpack abs
Zayn      : Well, now we’re going to workout. You just do what I said. Do you understand?
Syam     : Yes, Coach!
Zayn      : First, You do bench press. You life the barbell above your chest, down, then lift again. Do that for 4 set. Each set is 10 repetitions with 1 minutes rest perset.
Syam     : After that, what movement that I should do?
Zayn      : Do incline bench press and decline bench. The movement is the same with bench press. The difference is just bench position, incline and decline.
Syam     : Is there any movement else?
Zayn      : After do flat,incline and decline bench press, You run on treadmill for 20 minutes as the cooling down. And don’t forget to warming up before you workout. Now let’s start the first exercise.
Syam     : OK, let’s do it, coach.
(Syam is doing the exercise trained by Coach Zayn)
  1. Describing someone
I will describe about my father
His name is Muhammad Edy Ruswendi. People call him Mr. Edy. I call him Abi (means my father). He is 55 years old. He is bearded. He is tall, starping and dashing. He is a very wise man. He is religious. He loves his family including me. He is also my idol and I love him so much.
  1. Order
(Zayn, Syam, Yusuf and Bima are talking what they want to order)
Yusuf     : Hei, guys. What do you want to order?
Bima      : Hmm.. I don’t know. I’m here for the first time
Syam     : I don’t know because I’m here for the first time too.. haha
Zayn      : You two are contrified… How if I order you the most delicious food here?
Syam     : Yes, please. But I don’t have much money. So order me a delicious and cheap food
Bima      : Me too. I only have Rp. 20.000
Yusuf     : OK. I will buy a half of food’s price for you.
Zayn      : Well, this is the menu list. Choose what you want to order
Syam     : I choose big deluxe burger with french fries and Coca Cola.
Bima      : Hmm.. I, I, I, I
Yusuf     : Come on Bima! Don’t waste our time!
Bima      : I choose fried chicken with rice and Coca Cola
Zayn      : And You yusuf, what do you want to order?
Yusuf     : I want cheese spaghetti bolognese with oriental sauce.. and for drink, I want grape soda with large size.
Zayn      : OK. For me, I would order my favorite food, chicken breast burger with french fries and fruit smoothie. Well, now I’m going to order our foods.
(Zayn’s family are discussing about what they will order then they call the waiter to order)
Yusuf     : Hey my boys, this is my favorite restaurant with the best foods.
Zayn      : It looks like a luxurious restaurant. Foods here should be delicious
Bima      : Yeah.. I can’t wait to eat
Zayn      : This is the menu list, Bima. Foods here are awesome. And all foods are expensive
Bima      : These are five-star and world class foods
Yusuf     : Hey my boys, choose what you want to order
Zayn      : I choose grilled lobster with mango sauce.. and fruit soda smoothie
Bima      : I want to order….. hmmmm…. Hmmm…. Wait,, wait…
Zayn      : Hey You, come on choose one!
Bima      : Wait,, I’m confusing..
Zayn      : Well, we should wait untill 1 hours later
Yusuf     : Haha,, don’t you say like that, Zayn. Your brother is never see those foods.
Bima      : OK.. now I have a choice,, I want to choose Matsutake mushroom and Ice Milk orange
(Then, Yusuf calls the waiter, Syam)
Yusuf     : Waiter,,, come here
Syam     : Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
Yusuf     : Me, and my sons have chosen what we order. This is the list
Syam     : Hmmm.. 1 grilled lobster with mango sauce and fruit soda smoothie; 1 Matsutake mushroom and Ice mile orang; and 1 Baked beef with oriental sauce and flava juice. Anything else?
Yusuf     : No
Syam     : OK. Thank you to order our foods. Your order will arrive within 20 minutes
Yusuf     : Wait,wait.. This is money tip for you
Syam     : I’m sorry, sir. Our restaurant’s employee doesn’t accept any tips.
Yusuf     : Well, that’s fine..
Syam     : If you need something, just call the waiter and waitress here, thank you for you coming